The following list is designed to assist in funeral planning, whether you are preplanning or planning at the time of death.
- Documents and items to locate
___ Notify insurance companies
___ Notify all fraternal organizations of the death and inquire about possible death benefits
___ Notify any private or public pensions
___ Notify local insurance agent of the death for any changes in personal insurance
___ Locate Bank Account # if any direct deposits are being made from pensions or insurers - Probate Will (after 11 days)
___ Must be original will. Copies will not be accepted.
___ Make a new will and/or living will. - Important papers and accounts
___ Update title on home if necessary
___ Check titles to any automobiles
___ Change bank accounts if necessary
___ Consider adding one of your children to your bank accounts (not power of attorney)
___ Durable Power of Attorney
___ Check with Stock Broker to make sure you have the right number of short certificates. These must be used right away for stocks. - If you are filing taxes, continue as usual but include death certificate with your form.
Consider making pre-arrangements for yourself to make easier for your family. These can be funded or not funded as you wish.